60 minutes – 4 performers – Theater | Unconventional space


Concept and Direction: Carlos González & Seth Buckley
Choreography: Carlos González and Seth Buckley in collaboration with the performers
Performers: Itxa Sai, Elena Gómez, Seth Buckley, and Carlos González
Lighting Design: Radiante Lab (Manuel Conde)
Lighting Technician: Isaac Rovira
Sound and Visual Design: Itxa Sai
Costume Design: JASANZO (Javier Muñoz) and Adrián Casani
Dramaturgy: Carlos González
Consultant: Fernando López
Props: MADO Textile Crafts
Photography: Laura Carrasco
Camera: Ana Verastegui
Photography: Pablo Lorente
Audiovisual Production: Carlos González
Support Team: Alexandro Cortés and Merce Matus
Distribution: AMARELO Performing Arts Distribution (Lilian Portela)

*With the support of the Valencian Institute of Culture, Teatros del Canal, Centro Coreográfico Canal, Valencia City Council, Graners de Creació, Festival 10 Sentidos and Teatro La Rambleta.


SENSUAL TEXION: Reloaded is the new stage version, premiered at Teatros del Canal in September 2024. The piece invites us to imagine a future where our bodies, in all their diverse forms, expressions, and sexualities, are celebrated rather than judged or repressed.

This work emerges as an artistic reflection on the structures that have dictated how we should live our bodies and desires, challenging the narratives that oppress our relationship with them. It is a ritual of celebration, an opportunity to reconnect with the natural and beautiful that resides within each of us, liberating our identities from the binaries and labels that confine us.

EYAS Dance Project presents an immersive experience that blends contemporary dance and other disciplines with futuristic lighting and electronic music, weaving a multisensory landscape where its four characters, each from different worlds, invite us to explore new ways of inhabiting and feeling our bodies, using pleasure as a powerful transformative tool.

A sensual revolution, conceived as a ritual towards the collective healing of the wounds that have shaped our relationship with the body and sexuality.



“SENSUAL TEXION stood out for its boldness and bravery, the new production and step forward by the young company EYAS Dance Project, directed in Valencia by Carlos González & Seth Buckley. Somewhere between performance, boundary-breaking dance, sophisticated drag shows, and fashion, this laser and neon light proposal, led by an extravagant, ambiguous leather and latex character who plays both host and DJ (a spot-on Itxa Sai, pictured at the start of this article), unfolds as a party and tribute to sexual diversity.”

“Futuristic because it doesn’t fit in any way within the still restrictive and suspicious parameters of today’s society, the stage (shared with some audience members) recreates a utopian, prejudice-free party, where gender categories have been erased and transcended in a celebration of diversity, where everyone expresses themselves and behaves as their inner self dictates, whether as a mischievous faun (Seth Buckley, an excellent dancer) or a feminine man.”

“…there is originality, risk, boldness, and a sense of spectacle in this festive proposal that speaks to serious issues and places EYAS Dance Project on the right track toward takeoff. That’s why SENSUAL TEXION also serves as an invitation to follow them closely and pay attention to their next steps.”

Omar Khan (SusyQ Magazine)
April 27, 2024 – Teatro Arniches (Alicante)

“The Valencian group EYAS Dance Project (Carlos González and Seth Buckley) premiered the powerful ‘SENSUAL TEXION.’ The piercing lighting by Manuel Conde brings to life the diversity of bodies and sexualities, immersing us in a ceremonial nocturnal party with contemporary dance, urban dances, and vogue questioning established mentalities. They achieve scenes of immense beauty, like the sphere with crossing beams of white light.”

“Let’s not forget the excellent costume work by JASANZO (Javier Muñoz) and Adrián Casani: difficult and well-achieved, especially due to its descriptive nature and its perfect blend with the lighting.”

Jose Vicente Peiró (Las Provincias)
May 10, 2023 – Teatro La Rambleta, Valencia

“In a space configured like a quadrilateral, although with only three sides, the stage is set for ‘SENSUAL TEXION: Reloaded’ by EYAS Dance Project, which recently inaugurated the Canal Baila cycle.”

“Their approach is entirely original, as they manage to absorb the audience and drag them into a world of unexpected, barrier-free fantasy.”

“In reality, art is an experience, and that’s what EYAS Dance Project is: creators of experiences. In ‘SENSUAL TEXION: Reloaded,’ they let themselves flow and embrace contrast, completely removed from any restrictions. Their creative foundation lies in lighting; through it, the dancers’ bodies shape the space. The soundscape is perfectly synchronized with the lighting. The dance creates a space that continuously evolves, surprising the audience and pulling them into a new playful realm.”

“The underlying dramaturgy also contributes to this contrast, leading the audience toward the unexpected. When the masked character, positioned like a conductor, abruptly breaks the initial enchantment and, just when it seems like we’re heading toward something resembling a third-kind encounter, suddenly descends from the podium to become a janitor complaining and mopping the floor, a phase of humor and audience engagement begins. Because ultimately, they manage to involve everyone in the festive ritual.”

Mercedes Albi
September 5, 2024 – Teatros del Canal, Madrid