Elena Gog
Born in Mérida, Elena has an intermediate degree as a professional contemporary dance from the Reina Sofía Conservatory in Granada. Currently, she is studying a Bachelor’s degree in choreography and interpretation at the María de Ávila Higher Conservatory of Dance in Madrid.
She has received training from different artists and companies such as EYAS Dance Project, Chevi Muraday, Fabián Thomé, Melania Olcina, Agnès López, Yoshua Cienfuegos and Chey Jurado.
Within the framework of the Mérida Classical Theater Festival, she has been part of the main cast in the works of Medusa (2022), Minotauro (2023) and Morfeo (2024) under the direction of Alba Gog, for the Agusto program in Mérida.
She has performed and choreographed for the VORTEX events at Industrial Copera in Granada.